
作者: 时间:2019-04-30 点击数:


2019 Admission Brochure for Overseas Students Applying for Nanjing Institute of Railway Technology

一、学院简介Brief Introduction



Nanjing Institute of Railway Technology (NIRT), approved by the Government of Jiangsu Province and filed on record in the National Education of Ministry, is a Cull-time governmental higher vocational college. Founded in 1941, it locates in Yangtze River Delta Nanjing, which i the most dynamic and developed region in China in terms of economy, and it is recognized as professional Rail Transport of Higher Vocational and Technical Institute. The campus covers an area of 1146 mu(764,003.82 square meters), boasting more than 10,000 full time students. During 70-year . NIRT has cultivated more than 70,000 rail transit intermediate and advanced specialized personnel for society. Under the background of global rail transit development and especially the development of high speed railway, NIRT will cultivate and provide all kinds of applied professionals for various countries.

NIRT has five secondary schools: School of Transportation Management, School of Communication Signals, School of Power Engineering, School of Economics and Trade and School of Software and Arts Design, facing rail transit industry and local economy. In general, it offers 26 majors and 41 major directions, for example, Operation and Management of Railway Transportation, Communication Signal and Railway Locomotive and Vehicle to serve rail transit industry and regional economy.

二、招生专业 Majors


Secondary Schools




Enroll numbers


School of Economics and Trade


International Business


三、招生人数 Enrollment


NIRT plans to enroll 28 overseas students from Egypt, Indonesia, Laos, Russia, kazakhstan, Malaysia, Thailand,Myanmar, Uzbekistan,Kyrgyzstan who applies for the above majors in 2018.


  1. 入学要求 Admission Requirements

1. 具有高中毕业或同等学力,品行端正,身体健康,年龄在18-22周岁之间的青年。

Students between 18 to 22 years old with high school diploma, and in good health and good character.

2. 参加HSK考试且程度在4级(含4级或汉语相同程度)以上且获得相关证书者,或者有相关英语水平证书者,顺利通过我校入学面试者。

Students who have taken HSK test and have the certificate of band 4 or higher (or with equivalent ability); or who have the relevant English level certificate, and passed the admission interview of our institute.

3. 报考学生无色盲、色弱、双眼矫正视力不低于4.8

All the majors require applicants without color blindness or color weakness, vision correction of both eyes is more than 4.8.

五、报名事项 Registration

1. 报名时间:即日起至2019620日。

Application Time: From today until June 20, 2019 .


Registration time: Sept.17th, 2019.

2. 注意事项Notice


A. 本人护照副本

B. 高中毕业证书副本

C. 高中期间成绩单;

D. 两张一寸正面半身免冠照片

E. 入学申请表





When applied, students are required to offer materials as follow, and send the electronic texts of these materials to mailbox sienirt@163.com. The materials are:

A. One copy of passport;

B. High school diploma;

C. Transcripts during the high school;

D. 2 photos of one-inch front side upper half body without hats;

E. One copy of Admission Application Form;

F.Various certificates;

G. Proof of no crime;

H.Parental power of attorney for minors;

I. Proof of family funds.


If admitted, all students will receive Admission Letter in both Chinese and English issued by NIRT.


New students should enter college according to date specified in the Letter of Admission. Students who don't register within one week and without valid reasons will lose admission qualification.


The school will organize Physical Check within two weeks, and those who pass the checkup will fom1ally obtain their entry qualifications.

  1. 学制、毕业与继续学习 Education System, Graduation and Further Study

1. 学    制:3年(20199-20226月)。

Education System: 3 years (September 2019 -June 2022).

2. 毕业证书:按规定修满课程学分、论文成绩合格者,由南京铁道职业技术学院颁发中英文对照的大专毕业证书。

Diploma: those who finish all the credits and get a qualified paper grade will get the associate degree in Chinese and English issued by Nanjing Institute of Railway Technology.

3. 继续学习:获得本校毕业证书后,经本人申请、学校考核后,可升入南京本科院校,学制2年攻读学士学位,学费按所升入本科院校的收费标准缴纳。

Further study: NIRT will recommend students who are willing and qualified to study at the undergraduate university in Nanjing. It will be a 2 more years' study for a bachelor's degree. The tuition is required according to the standard of the undergraduate university applied.

七、奖学金与其它收费 Scholarship and Other fees

1. 奖学金:本校国际商务专业住宿费3000元,学费4700元,我校2019年为留学生在提供第一学年奖学金4700/出勤优秀、成绩优异、在校期间未收到纪律处分且积极参加学校各类学习和文体活动者,第二、第三学年可继续享受奖学金。

1. Scholarship: for International Business majors at NIRT, the accommodation fee is 3,000, and the tuition fee is 4,700. In 2019, our institute provides the first years scholarship of 4,700 yuan/person for international students. Students who have excellent attendance and academic performance without disciplinary sanction during their stay at school, and actively participate in various academic and cultural activities on campus, are able to continue to enjoy scholarship in the second and third academic years.

2. 相关费用


Accommodation fee: 3,000 yuan / year for double room


Visa to China, medical examinationinsurance premium and other costs are provided by the students themselves.


NIRT would take pre-pay textbooks 500 RMB per year from each student.


Students pay for electricity, water and internet bills.


School restaurant opens all day, and the students need to pay for their meals by themselves. Each student needs living expenses 1000RMB monthly. Other living expenses are at students’ convenience.



学校地址:中国江苏省南京市浦口区珍珠南路65号国际教育学院  邮编:210031



招生电话:0086-25-68533186/ 68533099

Address: School of International Education, Nanjing Institute of Railway Technology, No.65 Pearl South Road, Pukou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. Postcode: 210031

Contacts: Ms. Xia; Ms. Zhang; Mr. Wu

E-mail: sienirt@163.com

Telephone: 0086-25-68533186/68533099


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